3 months - 1 yr of recovery
INTRO: sit down cozy video with me: explaining how to use this page
article: what i wish my surgeon would actually say about surgery, what health actually means and looks like the multiple aspects of what it takes to fully heal and find a body you love again
infographic about fascial and tensegritiy
article: now is the time to start integrating your old hobbies again, interview with a PT?
post surgery care kit
affiliate link kit: post surg outfit (oddbird company)
CBD products (gummies, topical)
weighted heating pad
scar oils: vit e, castor oil packs
pregnancy pillow for comfort when sleeping in weird positions
suggested reading: ??
30 day challenge: bed to holding a plank for 1 minute
dry brushing:
upper body
lower body
body acceptance, parts integration
sensation responding not reacting (helpful for pain management and pushing your edge responsibly)
breath holds for energy boosts
daily flows:
stability + mobility work
fascial line flows
arm lines
deep front
superficial front
lateral line
back line
spiral line
functional lines (2 of them)
fascial line traditional Yin
arm lines
deep front
superficial front
lateral line
back line
spiral line
functional lines (2 of them)